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Wednesday, March 16, 2005


So there's this new word: "Ewww".

I think it is college-undergraduate-speak for "yeuck".

Anyway let me tell you something Ewwww-some. The legislature of the commonwealth of Virginia (the laws of which were recently rated fourth best in America - Delaware was first, natch) recently spent a ridiculous amount of time considering a state law to ban... women wearing low rise trousers that expose thong underwear. It was not passed, fortunately, maybe because after some discussion, the Virginia House of Delegates was not willing to extend the new law to ban builders' bum. I kid you not.

* * *

Tomorrow I am going to be photographed for a thing in a magazine called ECHHO tomorrow which is is apparently being sent to 20,000 educators around Europe. It's about the case I wrote. I did tell AuntyAnne in Darden Business Publishing that if she wants to sell copies of this case, submitting my mugshot as a publicity material is not the way to do it. She didn't believe me, so I emailed her a real mirror-breaking photograph of me with my godson at New Year. There was a short pause. Then she emailed me back, offered to meet me an hour and a half before the photoshoot to make sure I was wearing enough makeup, and if not, she would put more on personally.

* * *

In the absence of any other interesting things happening on in my own life today, here are my top three TV shows right now:

1) The Jackson Trial (E-TV)
There are no cameras allowed in the Michael Jackson courtroom, so E-TV have rather cunningly reconstructed the courtroom, hired lookalike actors, and everyday they reenact absolutely everything that happened during the previous day's proceedings. It's really riveting stuff. They've given the actor playing the defence attorney Thomas Mesereau a white wig that makes him look like Worzel Gummidge. And WackoJacko is played by a white actor with a fake nose, which I expect the real Wacko is probably quite pleased about.

2) Lost (ABC)
Lost is just so great I really don't want to spoil it for you because it's bound to be on in the UK soon. But it's about a bunch of survivors from a plane crash on a desert island who suddenly start realizing that they are not alone on the island. There isn't anyone dead famous in it, except one of the Irish hobbits from LOTR.

3) JAG (CBS)
One would think, considering the fact that JAG is all about the US Navy and Marine Corps, that its audience would be largely male. In fact, the audience is almost entirely 35-50 year old women. The reason for this, everyone knows, is the totally 100% hot guy who plays Commander Harmon Rabb, formerly US Navy fighter pilot, now hot shot lawyer in the JAG Corps. This season is this guy's very last season. If I were CBS I would not bother carrying on.


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