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Saturday, February 19, 2005

Not a betting woman

As someone who likes to describe herself as not a betting woman, it is with some reluctance that I must confess that I have allowed myself to be caught up in another large and stupid bet about famous relations.

The last one was back in October, when EnglishJustin bet me $50 that Ravi Shankar was not Norah Jones's father. I won that one, although EnglishJustin had the last laugh later that evening when he slickly manoevred me into paying for both of our dinners at Mas.

Then, this week, I succumbed to temptation yet again. Dave Rouse (he who claims to know Carson Daly personally, though on close crossexamination it's not difficult to establish that what he really means by this is that he went to college with Carson Daly's business manager) bet me $100 that Tina Fey (head scriptwriter of SNL and author of the Mean Girls screenplay) is not the aunt of Lindsay Lohan (star of Mean Girls and repeat guest on SNL).

Can I just say at this point, it's never me that picks the stakes? If I were the person making the bet, my preferred stakes, frankly speaking, would be a chocolate martini. But male testosterone is such, I suppose, that the guy always thinks a big cash ante will force the poor pathetic woman to fold without having to reveal his hand. Unfortunately for both of us, I have long suspected that I have more than a normal dose of testosterone in my own system, as my leg waxing lady can testify. And there is nothing - nothing - I love more than winning a bet from a man who doesn't read the celebrity magazines.

Anyway, having headed to the nearest internet connection, it took only five minutes to come up with two different websites which agreed that my intensive study of "People" and "In Touch" at the checkout counter of El Gigante has not been in vain. Lindsay Lohan is indeed Tina Fey's niece. TVtoMe and AskMen both say so. But - unlike EnglishJustin who at least had the honor and decency to recognize defeat at the hands of a woman when he saw it - Rouse is not getting his checkbook out. He says he doesn't believe the sources. If anyone out there has any more convincing proof (as if there could be?) please let me know...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Additional proof?

6:00 AM  
Blogger alranson said...

Dear Beak, the problem is, as I say in my blog, Rouse considers both TvToMe and as unacceptable sources.

6:28 AM  

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