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Thursday, March 24, 2005

Beast of Sydenham

Fear stalks the streets of Sydenham after resident is attacked by a black cat the size of a labrador. Man was calling to pet when 'panther' struck says The Guardian

It has probably slunk off to a neighbouring suburb to become the Penge Panther, the Catford Cheetah or the Beast of Beckenham by now. But residents of the blossom-filled streets of Sydenham were still shaking last night as a father of three told how he had been mauled by a black cat the size of a labrador.

Tony Holder, 36, was calling in his tabby, KitKat, at 2.15am yesterday when he spotted his pet being savaged by a 5ft-long animal. The black, panther-like creature then sprang at him in his back garden.

Billy Rich, 44, was looking out of his window at 5.30am when he saw a black creature leap across the road and bound south towards Mayow Park.

"I see a ... thing," he said.
"What's he supposed to have seen?" asked his ex-wife.
"The beast of Sydenham," your correspondent explained.
"The only beast of Sydenham is him," she replied, prodding a finger at Mr Rich.
"On the news they said it was as big as a Doberman, but it wasn't," insisted Mr Rich. "It was big and black and I thought, fucking hell, what was that?

Parents said they would be keeping their children indoors. "The garden is secure but I wouldn't let my little boy Morgan go out and play today," said Kelly Wood.
"He's 19 months. I think he's quite an edible size."

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