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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Internet Peril (TSD)

I realized that last month I promised to share with you (ugh, I never said that before I arrived in America) a couple more of my Great Website Discoveries. Inspired by the wisdom of CuteItalianVaticanAnalystGuy on CNN last night ("after a fat Pope, a thin Pope"), I would like to mix things up a bit. So as March's GWDs were rather practical - how to make free international phone calls and book hotel rooms at stupidly cheap rates - April's are going to frivolous.

First up, The Famous Football Supporters Page It seems odd to think that only four years ago I was knee deep in the UK General Election campaign, to elect an EllisOut! candidate as MP for Sutton Coldfield. So it does seem somehow appropriate this month to direct you to a website where you can see which clubs are supported by which "famous" folks. And I will take this opportunity to give you a preview of the goodies on this site, by revealing (yet again) that Tom Hanks and Prince William support Aston Villa.

Second, I had hoped to bring you an exclusive preview link to El Ricardo's new Radio4 play, but I have been slapped on the wrist and that's not going to happen. So instead, I suggest something much more frivolous: The Smoking Gun's collection of backstage riders. These are the contractual demands that rock stars etc make of the venues when they go on tour. Some of them are quite loopy. Which star, do you think, insists on a backstage supply of Cadbury's dark chocolate and sauteed green beans almandine, crisp, not soggy? Who demands boxer shorts and incense holders? Who wants her dressing room to be painted white and furnished with entirely white furniture?


SeattleTreeza and I were talking last night about this and that.

She was not happy because her attempts at internet dating have crashed and burned. She said that things would start off well, then she would get to about the third email or so, and then men would stop responding, no reason given. She couldn't figure out what she was doing wrong: what, in other words, in these emails was garlic to the dating vampires.

She offered to read a few of the offending emails to me. They were slightly on the competitive traveller side ("Oh, you haven't been to Macchu Picchu? You should." kind of thing) but to my admittedly untrained ear they sounded pretty good, and she has a couple of cute sporty photos up there.

"When did you send that last one, to the surfer guy?" I inquired, trying to figure out if he could have been on holiday and hence been out of touch.

"Two weeks ago. Not a word back. I guess he must have really hated me" said SeattleT, despondently. "And he was the one I liked."

I didn't know what to say. It didn't make sense, but there seemed no other explanation than that SurferGuy et al had indeed been terminally horrified by SeattleT's admission that she had not inherited her mother's ability to speak seven languages.

"WAIT!" she said. "I don't believe it."


"My last email to SurferGuy, it's not in my Sent Message box."


"I never sent it. And look, SportsGuy, my email to him isn't there either."

"So you never actually replied to any of these guys last email to you?"


"So they don't hate you?"

"No, they definitely hate me now, for not replying to their emails..."


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