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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Mr Big

This isn't going to be a long one, 'cause it's 3am and I had too many Mr Bigs (powerful white cranberry cocktails from Bang) tonight and need to go to bed.

I must say we underestimated SouthernTallGuy. We all thought he was a bit of a dork, you know: shy, not competent with women, keeps his J Crew polo shirt buttoned up all the way to his neck etc.

But it turns out he is a veritable fiend when it comes to undergraduates. Even applying an 85% discount rate to his claims of having scored 10 women this academic year, that's an impressive number, given that most Darden men who try to pull undergraduates get their egos shattered in record time.

In fact, one reason there weren't too many guys at SSB tonight was because a bunch of Darden men were having an "I'm hot, you're rich" social with the Theta sorority. We're talking about a bunch of fat, balding, humorless 29 year olds pursuing 19 year old undergraduettes here. It ain't a pretty sight.


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