Memorial Day BBQ

99.9% of attendees at Dave and EnglishHelen's BBQ on Memorial Day believe that Tom n' Katie are faking it. It is surprising how many highly educated people with power jobs in the Richmond area read US Weekly magazine.
There was hospitality galore at Crown Prince Circle on Monday. Dave and EnglishHelen had gone to town: highlights were the daiquiris emerging from the blender, a different flavour every half hour; and the brownies made with Reese's peanut butter cups, a recipe which I would have liked to have taken credit for, but shamefully could not.
I clearly had too many daiquiris for at some stage I announced that Dave needed to clean out his fountain, and if he wouldn't do it, I would. This is not optimal guest behaviour, I admit, although to be fair, his fountain is really just a small barrel filled with stagnant, brown, mosquito breeding water - which is actually illegal in most towns in the state of Virginia.
The original, compromise, solution reached was to reinstall the fountain's pump, which turned out, for some reason, to be resident in the shed. The previous owner had spun Dave some sort of line about why he had dismantled the pump and hidden it in the shed, and Dave had believed it. Needless to say, there were no signs of life in this pump, after a good deal of testing. By now, my hands were rather brown and sludgy, though they dried quickly under the hot sun: I still maintain that anyone could have mistaken the dried sludge for brownie mixture.

NSD licking sludge off her paws.
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