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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cinco de mayo

Big day today: Visa Expiry Day, Last Day of Classes (for second years), the DRC end of year BBQ, the UK general election, and of course, Cinco de Mayo.

(Cinco de Mayo, for all my English friends, is an anniversary of an obscure battle between the Mexicans and the French, which even in Mexico itself is celebrated in only one province. However, in the United States, it's used as an excuse for a party by everyone who's ever even tried to spell Mexico. Sombreros and alcohol and jalapeno pepper eating contests are much in evidence.)

Anyway, my big day ended with me propped up on a kitchen stool talking to ASM's roommate at 1.30am. ASM's roommate is a peculiar colour: very pale, as if he never gets outside. He's also not much of a party animal: in fact ASM's friend Cherbs thought she might even take him on in an Evelyn/Adam sort of of project to liven him up a bit. However, he got a whole lot more interesting this evening when I found out that he is actually a serving Navy officer, and better still, when he graduates from Virginia Law he is going to transfer into JAG... we all know that those uniforms are totally hot.


The rowing club BBQ went well - surprisingly superlative burgers (courtesy of BFR, who is in love with the girl across the creek, and excellent sausages and beer (courtesy of the CFYRG). The only people missing were TheSplash and SmoothMike. Unfortunately we got evilAaron instead. When asked for something towards BigMouthLloyd's leaving present, evilAaron lied and said he had already contributed. If the CFYRG had not restrained me (and he does seem to have a peculiar ability to defuse such circumstances) I would have gone over and probably got myself in a major fight with the nasty little s**t.

Anyway, a much nicer thing that happened was that TallPete came to the BBQ with his little daughter - maybe four or five years old. Just before they went home, TallPete brought her over to where I was sitting, and she boldly asked me if I was a princess. Ahhh. I can only attribute her confusion to the fact I was wearing pink and white and had pigtails in my hair.


In some ways, it has occurred to me, my visa being up is a good thing. For starters, it means I don't have to do any more slave labor for my EvilTaskmasters in NYC, because it is no longer legal. What a great excuse.


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