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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Last Day Pharmaceutical Blur

Last Day Stats

Boxes packed (total): 41
Total weight of cargo packed: 644kg
Net increase since shipping it out here three years ago: 140kg (the weight of knowledge gleaned from MBA, I like to think)
Hours spent building excel optimization model to allocate boxes between sea and air consignments: 4.5


I've just spent my Last Evening in 'Nowheresville, and after a bit more packing of the two largest Nigerian-style suitcases I could find, am about to go to bed for my Last Night. I fly out tomorrow evening at 9.55pm from Dulles.

Fortunately, though - just in time - the weather has turned utterly rubbish and rainy so it's not like one's last day on holiday, where one can hardly drag oneself away from the beach. In my case, I will be dragging myself away from last minute missions to CVS.

Mother requests: silvery can of hair spray stuff, individual false eyelashes. Once a beauty queen, always a beauty queen.
Sister requests: Reese's candy, beef jerky (biltong).
Father requests: Teeth whitening strips. Unbelievably my father has discovered vanity aged 60, and has spent the last month diligently applying teeth whitening strips to his gnashers. I assume this has something to do with getting married next weekend, but one can never tell...


For the benefit of any people in the UK planning on going to the US in the reasonably near future, here are my top ten tips on what to buy in US chemists (CVS, Walgreens, Eckerds etc):

1) Wet n, Wild lip pencils. Very good, very long, and only 99 cents each.
2) Beer. Yes, pharmacies in the US sell beer (and wine, and cigarettes).
3) Melatonin tablets (meant to induce sleep, counter jetlag).. not legal to buy in the UK.
4) ELA-Max cream (LMX-4), an OTC topical analgesic for use before 5)..
5) Surgiwax's Complete Brazilian Waxing System. Comes complete with stencils.
6) Copy of the National Enquirer, to read about how Camilla Is An Alien, while waxing.
7) Tooth whitening items. You can get triple strength ones now which do the job in seven days.
8) PowerDeet insect repellent wipes, industrial strength, for "backwoodsmen".
9) Jessica Simpson's Dessert Treats Deliciously Kissable Whipped Cream with Candy Sprinkles Banana Split. According to the label, this is not a food item.
10) Peanut Butter Twix bars


I am not sure when I will next be able to blog as may not have access to proper electronic communications for a while. Please bear with me while normal service is restored....


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